Newsletter January 2019
Happy new year!! Welcome back everyone to a new year and a new term at Scoil Cholmcille. Please ensure that if your child is absent that you inform Caroline in the office. Our system requires that we input a reason for your child’s absence.
A reminder that the school will be closed on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of February for midterm. School will re-open on Monday 25th February.
Brickz for Kidz will resume again on Wednesday 30th of January and will run for 6 weeks from 3pm-4pm-cost €30. Dates are 30/1, 6/2, 13/2, 20/2, 27/2 and 6/3.
The school will be holding an open evening on Tuesday 19th February from 6pm-7pm for any parents wishing to enrol their child in the school for September 2019. This will be an information night for the parents and an opportunity for parents and children to get to know the school and teachers a little better. Enrolment forms are available from Caroline in the office.
Grandparents day will be Thursday 31st of January. We would like to invite our Grandparents and parents into the school to help children make St Brigid’s crosses and have some light refreshments. This is an opportunity for the school to show our appreciation of the great work and the role that the grandparents play in their grandchildren’s education. Details of exact times will follow. Donations of rushes are welcome.
Catholic schools week 2019 will take place next week, 27th January to 1st February. There will be a variety of activities happening in the school. The theme this year is: Celebrating the Work of our Local Catholic Schools.
Thanks to everyone who donated monies at Christmas time. Over €350 euro was raised for Saint Vincent De Paul. This donation was met with great appreciation and went along way to helping those in need in the local area.
John Gibbons and Tony Mc Geady continue to work with the children in the school for GAA. If your child is doing GAA please ensure that they come with suitable footwear on Fridays.
5th and 6th class will be commencing swimming lessons next week. Please note that this year swimming will take place on Wednesdays and we are in the pool at 10.30am. The bus will depart at 9.45am sharp. If any parents who have not returned slips or monies could do so at their earliest convenience, it would be greatly appreciated. Children from 2nd, 3rd and 4th class will also attend swimming this year. Please ensure your child will be able to dry and change themselves without help.
Is mise le meas
Karol Lynch
School Principal