We are all very excited for the 2018/2019 school year. We start back on Wednesday 29th of August at 9.20am sharp We would like to wish all our Junior Infants all the best on their new adventure!!!
On Friday the weather behaved itself and the children, parents, grandparents and staff of Scoil Cholmcille had a great day. To start we had our annual “May” procession in honour of our Lady Mary (even though it was June 1st). After that we had a great time sampling some fantastic Ice-cream as part of our fun day in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland. Massive thanks to everyone who helped out in both events.
We had Moville and Donegal county star Tony mc Clenaghan as well as Maurice Harkin in to visit us today in school with a fantastic present. Thanks to Moville GAA club for donating 10 GAA balls which we are going to love using to help us improve our GAA skills. Thanks lads!!
Well done to this weeks student of the week. Deserved winners.
A reminder that we are closed next Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th of May. (Apologies for the late reminder!!) The school is being used as a polling station for the upcoming referendum and will therefore be closed on Friday 25th May. School will also close on Monday 4th June as it is a bank holiday. Term finishes at midday on Friday 22 June.
End of year testing in Literacy, Numeracy and Gaeilge will take place starting Tuesday 22nd of May to 31st of May. All children have been working hard all year in these subjects and I’m sure everyone will do very well. Please note Junior Infants do not take part in end of year Drumcondra testing and Senior Infants and 1st class do not do a Gaeilge test. It is essential that your child comes to school on time during this period so that testing can take place efficiently.

The children are really enjoying taking part in the incredible edibles programme.
Welcome back and we hope that everyone had a relaxing Easter holiday and are well rested for what is sure to be a busy summer term.
All classes will commence both the Stay Safe and Relationships and Sexual Education lessons in the coming days/weeks. Letters informing you more about these two programmes will be issued shortly.
Well done to all children who took part in our Seactaine Na Gaeilge last month. It was great to see and hear the children showing off their language skills and their love of everything cultural and Irish. Maith Sibh!
The girls and boys soccer teams are currently taking part in various soccer competitions. They continue to represent the school with distinction, displaying great skill, desire and leadership, all qualities which will serve them well in life.
Scoil Cholmcille are delighted to announce that they are taking part in a “Come Dine with Me” fundraising event on Saturday 16th of June. This is sure to be a fun evening for anyone involved as well as providing an opportunity for hosts to display their culinary skills. Many thanks to all those people who have volunteered to be hosts. If you are interested in hosting on the night, please contact the school or Michelle Cavanagh.
We are delighted to announce that the school has been granted a new class teacher for the upcoming school year. Class divisions will be relayed to parents later on in the year.
A reminder that it is important that children are on time each morning. Please note that all children not in school by 10.30am have to be marked absent, irrespective of any notes to teacher stating that they will be in afterwards. This is due to our new electronic roll books.
First confession for 2nd class will take place this Monday, April 16th in St Pius X Church in Moville at 7pm, while first holy communion will take place on Saturday 26th of May. We wish 2nd class children all the best as they prepare for these sacraments.
Meanwhile the children in 6th class are busy preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation which takes place on Saturday April 21st at 11am in St Pius X in Moville. A rehearsal for sponsors will take place on Thursday 19th at 7pm in Moville. Again we wish all children taking part good luck.
Active schools week usually occurs in April, this year due to our busy schedule in April we will take part in Active Schools week during June.
Children in 3rd and 4th class will be doing tin whistle in the summer term. Please ensure that your child has a tin whistle in the key of D so that they can take part in these lessons.
Swimming continues for 5th and 6th class each Wednesday. Please ensure that if your child is going swimming that they are at school no later than 9.10am.
Is mise le meas
Karol Lynch
School Principal
Well done to our Stars of The Week. Keep up the good work!